White Chocolate Biscotti Soldiers

cookie soldiers

White Chocolate Biscotti Soldiers ready to be eaten!

Just dipped my cranberry-pistachio biscotti with an armour coat of white chocolate! The cookie war begins!

a presto,

maria !

Asparagus Salad/Asparagi Insalata

asparagus salad

One of my favorite “Official” Spring Vegetable is the Asparagus/Asparagi. My mother made a tasty Asparagus Frittata at Easter (it’s similar to an omelette or quiche) filled with a variety of cheeses, vegetables (she used Asparagus) and of course – pancetta, sausage and the kitchen sink!

This salad is very easy to prepare Asparagi!

Write to me if you have questions.

a presto,


The Royal Kiss!

Agli sposi più belli del mondo un augurio speciale.

Camera at hand to take The Royal Kiss ! It’s now time for some Confetti di Sulmona and Un brindisi.

the kiss

a presto,


Conchiglioni/Shells with Sausage!

pasta w meat II

I made a hearty tomatoe sauce with small chunks of pork sausage and meat. Conchiglioni are great for stuffing and baking but I decided to serve with my hearty sauce. It was delicous – ask my interns! We had a brain storm session over lunch (of course)!

Use your favorite pasta but beware of the capellini with this sauce. Capellini (similar to angel hair pasta) and a very thin pasta requires a very light/thin sauce. I made the mistake a few years ago when I ran out of spaghetti and thought I can substitute ….well, it turned out to be another episode of “I Love Lucy”. Remind me one day when I have time ……

a presto,


CHCH TV 11 Segment on Friday, April 22nd

Wanted to share my table at my CHCH TV Segment in Hamilton. Co-Anchor with Lesley Stewart sharing some Holiday tips.

Leslie and Maria

a presto,
